Asynchronous dar

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Linda Hartley describes the difficulty of identifying clear research cycles sometimes, when conducting DAR asynchronously.

“A clear sequence is hard to see, I know. I think this is partly because of the nature of the research in the aysnchronous environment. It’s hard to tease out the clear cycles. The diagram is a fudge in a way. The real story of the research is much more complex with lots of small cycles. Data comes in over time and people who were asked to comment on the first cycle of actions might not reply until part way through the second cycle. Some comments come in and point out such obvious points that action needs to be taken at once.”

Andy Roberts adds: That’s a good observation about one of the features of conducting distributed research asynchronously, as is often the case. I suppose it would have to count mainly as one of the disadvantages, but not too difficult to cope with once you get used to it.

On the plus side, the fact that conversations and online artifacts persist for much longer than synchronous episodes, increases the chances for larger potential audiences to be reached, and also means that the quality of engagement might be higher if people take advantage of the ability to make more considered responses.

Tags: distributedactionresearch, asynchronous

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