Archive for the
‘Blogs’ Category

Cornwall Flag for St Pirans day Today is St Pirin’s day (or St Piran’s Day) so there’ll no doubt be a proper home made Cornish pasty waiting for my tea. Rather than the kilted Kernewek revivalists parading in Truro’s cobbled high streets, I’ll post my photo of the Giant Bolster from the St Agnes Carnival […]

March 5, 2007


by: StojneBabe


Categories: Blogs

Via Enterprise irregulars, This was quite an exciting discovery, a group of people trying to put together a pattern language about wiki adoption. This is quite similar in many ways to what I have been developing on the DARwiki’s wiki facilitation page, which gets referred to by somebloggers. launches with a group of […]

February 24, 2007


by: StojneBabe


Categories: Blogs

A local pub, The Golden Fleece has a new sign up behind the bar which reassures restaurant customers that no Bernard Mathews products are used in their kitchen. Funny how a couple of weeks ago the giant turkey factory was being praised for its tight biosecurity, but now the facts are coming out and the […]

February 17, 2007


by: StojneBabe


Categories: Blogs

I attended some of the Online Connectivism Conference – OCC2007 last week, organised and facilitated by George Siemens. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to thow myself fully into it in the way I would normally approach something like this, which I consider to be important and worthwhile. The timing just didn’t work out so well for […]

February 14, 2007


by: StojneBabe


Categories: Blogs, the personalised online music station have just made a very clever move. They’ve allowed their music player to be embedded in any site on the web. Here’s an extract from the email I received, as a label owner: Our most exciting new feature is the ability to embed the player in your own […]

February 13, 2007


by: StojneBabe


Categories: Blogs

I don’t know how the marketing of SecondLife works exactly, but the buzz is not going away, it’s building. At present there are educator orientated communities bumping into each other as they clamour to organise tours of the 3d graphical world and attempt to analyse how it might be utilised to support educational community purposes. […]

February 12, 2007


by: StojneBabe


Categories: Blogs

What is Turkey Ham? When I wrote on Monday 5th ( Wild birds not to blame ) about the Lorries from Hungary, mainstream media were still reporting the sparrow through the ventilation shaft story, and the Bernard Mathews offcial line seemed to be that the outbreak of H5N1 in Hungary was not connected in any […]

February 10, 2007


by: StojneBabe


Categories: Blogs

Dave Snowden provides a strong response to two comments made by Hubert St Onge (one of the authors of an important modern book about communities of practice) 1. That Blogs and Wikis are publishing tools not collaboration tools, and in the case of blogs the publishing is individualistic/egotistical. 2. That an organisation should mandate one […]

February 10, 2007


by: StojneBabe


Categories: Blogs

Homemade mayonnaise is both delicious and economical. It’s just so much better than those expensive jars in the shops which contain a percentage of water ( highest in the ‘reduced fat’ varieties) and all sorts of preservatives and sugars. I learned to make it in a blender/liquidiser and burnt out the motor on several because you […]

February 4, 2007


by: StojneBabe


Categories: Blogs

I was contacted by a researcher from BBC Radio 4 ‘You and Yours’ programme asking about Cornish wreckers. They had found my “Wreckers Prayer” lyrics and suggested that it’s a traditional prayer with variations around the UK. They might use it on Monday Jan 29th in a piece about the Branscombe beach wreck in Devon. […]

January 29, 2007


by: StojneBabe


Categories: Blogs