The Bonzo Dog Band on Do Not Adjust Your Set
YouTube allows the rediscovery of highlights from very distant memory, in this case the seminal TV series ‘Do Not Adjust Your Set” featuring the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band.
Here they are performing “Hunting Tigers Out In Indiah”:
“I really did see them in black and white!”
Somebody called ‘Dormouse’ in the newsgroup put me onto these videos, but with YouTube it takes no time at all to browse around and find more rare gems. The live concert in Belgium, extracts from films, interviews, alternative performances and outakes – they are all there.
Incidentally, was the first online group I ever founded, in February/March 1998 the the process of which I learned a lot. Here is the original charter:
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 20:46:11 -0000 Organization: ESBI Lines: 54 Sender: Approved: Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Host: Summary: Newgroup message X-Newsreader: Anawave Gravity v2.00 Xref: control.newgroup:17319 For your newsgroups file: The Bonzo Dog (Doo Dah) Band: Neil Innes, Viv Stanshall etc DISCUSSED IN alt.config: proposal for posted by on 19th March 1998. reply from Sysop 20th Mar. Justification posted, various contributions demonstrated strong international interest and traffic in newsgroups. Name finalised without -band.Richard Bryant suggested posting a Charter, charter posted No further objections. JUSTIFICATION: A dejanews search on bonzo+dog indicated 2100 matches. There is a mailing list with 65 subscribers which is intended strictly for low volume informative posts. It is envisaged that this would continue and the ng will attract wider ranging discussion, probably medium volume traffic. References to the Bonzo's regularly crop up in,, alt.comedy.british, newsgroups. Also in,,
A forum for fans of the ‘The Bonzo Dog Band’ previously known as
‘The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band.
Topics might include the recorded output of the Bonzo’s, TV shows and
videos and the careers of former band members. No commercial
advertising allowed unless for goods or services related to the
subject of the group. Private individuals may advertise their Website
or business in their signature files . Binary postings are forbidden.
All Binary files should be posted onto the relevant group with a pointer
to them in this group Format: Text files only, HTML , graphics and
sound files should be placed on the Web with a pointer to them in
this group
The newsgroup will not be moderated. We are an anarcho-syndicalist
collective with a rotating chair.