Archive for the
‘Music’ Category

The internet has revolutionised the distribution of music, and is doing the same for promotion. Now I am seeking to include the network earlier on, in the creative process itself. I have a new song in an advanced stage of amateur pre-production and I’ve kind of lost the ability to hear it fresh, now. So […]

December 28, 2006


by: StojneBabe


Categories: Distributed Research, Music, Trackback

The history of Gernika The story of the bombing of Gernika is told in the song. For more information see Wikipedia: Bombing of Gernika The Music The song was set to music and recorded in December 2006. . . Listen to or download < < GERNIKA.mp3 >>(11.8 Mb – 8 minutes 35 seconds) . . […]

December 1, 2006


by: StojneBabe


Categories: Music, Politics, Spain, Trackback