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London Wiki Wednesday came and went, and very good it was too. I got to meet some interesting people, chat about wiki implentations, and make my own presentation about my research and stuff. The attendance of over 20 was encouraging, given the change of date, my only disappointment being the short time afterwards to mingle […]

From John Barben’s blog I was notified of a date change and at short notice I’ve decided to go along to Wiki Wednesday in London on the 8th March where I’ll be briefly presenting some of my research, listening to a bunch of clever people talking about social software, wikis and web2.0 stuff, and maybe […]

From out of my Action Research ad hoc discussion at CPsquared’s Web2.0 workshop came strong recommendations for Bob Dick’s AREOL course. Areol, action research and evaluation on line, is a 14-week public course offered each semester as a public service by Southern Cross University and the Southern Cross Institute of Action Research The course begins […]