Posts Tagged

It strikes me that looking at this new development of mashups from the point of view of trying to find out how you might choose one of them to benefit a particular community, or to facilitate our own learning, could be slightly missing the point. It’s not as if there is an option to decide […]

January 29, 2006


by: StojneBabe


Tags: cop2.0, mashup, mashups, web2.0


Categories: Opinion

J. LeRoy puts his finger on something that has been irking me for three years now. All of these new web services, LMSs, blog tag facilitation, aggregators etc etc are just giving us back something we already had, but under somebody else’s control instead of our own. It won’t hold up in the long run […]

January 3, 2006


by: StojneBabe


Tags: peer2peer, web2.0


Categories: General