What you are about to explore represents only the very early stages of the DAR project. I’m letting you in through this password protected page because I really value your opinions and ideas and I want you to get an idea of what I’ve been getting up to over last couple of months or so.
I’ve been putting together this DAR website which at present consists of a Blog and a Wiki, and I’ve been conducting some research on the internet into my favourite online community. The big idea is to find out more about the special qualities of internet based research, which is something I think more and more people will be needing to do these days, not just by studying the subject but by actually doing it.
As I said already, this is only the very beginning, and I’ve only had time to do two quite small cycles of research so far, but I’ve put what I learned from them onto the Wiki and I’ve found that this works for me as a way of getting started at building what I hope will develop into a really useful resource not just for myself but for other online researchers as well. That may take quite a long time, so I’ve made a start on now.
OK, the chances are if I carry on writing more and more text about it here, you’ll lose patience with me and start clicking around already so before you do that, I’ve recorded a little “podcast” style sound file which you can listen to, to save your eyes from strain and your attention span from boredom.
When you’ve listened to the podcast, do please have a good look around the links I’ve provided to the research findings, explore the Wiki a bit and the blog if you like, but the most important thing for me is that you come back here and leave me some feedback in the box below where it says “leave a reply”. Otherwise there will be no evidence that you’ve actually visited, and I’ll be left without any ideas and opinions other than my own….